Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

30 Things Before 30

Happy fall y’all! It’s officially that season and I’m already seeing a bunch of leaves on the ground, which is fun. I love fall. 

My birthday also landed on the first day of fall this year. I still love my birthday, maybe I’m not old enough to hate it yet? 😉 But it feels like it’s MY day, and it usually involves treats of some kind – what’s not to love about that? 

This year, I turned 29 years old. One more year of my 20’s, and then I’m off to a new decade. It seems a little crazy for sure, but I’m not scared to turn 30. I’m ready to see what the next decade has in store for me, and I say bring it on! 

With that in mind, I decided to create a list of 30 things I’d like to do before I turn 30. I’ll revisit it next year to see how many I actually do! 

So, here we go. 30 things before 30: 

  1. Visit a new state 
  2. Learn to play a new sport or game 
  3. Get a tattoo!? (Sorry dad lol)
  4. Do something that scares me 
  5. Stop holding grudges 
  6. Spend less time on social media 
  7. Plant a tree 
  8. Learn to drive a combine or work ground
  9. Do more house projects 
  10. Make more time for writing 
  11. Finish my third novel 
  12. Take a spontaneous trip 
  13. Journal more 
  14. Try at least 10 new recipes 
  15. Learn how to make a pie 
  16. Be more positive 
  17. Give less time and energy to things that don’t matter 
  18. Slow down and enjoy the little things 
  20. Spend more time with my niece and nephew 
  21. Shoot my first buck! 
  22. Convince Dan to take me coyote hunting with him lol 
  23. Complain less 
  24. Run more races and get faster
  25. Swim again! 
  26. Excel at my job 
  27. Be more confident 
  28. Spend more time outside 
  29. Plan a wedding
  30. Marry the love of my life! 

So, the last two are for sure happening! In case you didn’t see it earlier this week, Dan asked me to marry him and I of course said yes! It’s been such an exciting week and I’ve felt the love for sure. 

And we set a date! We’ll be married on July 20, 2024. And I can’t wait!! 

I’m looking forward to what 29 has in store for me, and so far, it’s looking pretty darn good. I’ll definitely be leaving my 20’s with a bang. 

Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and/or shared in our excitement on the engagement. I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling all week! 

Until next time! 🙂 

Megan Reiffenberger 

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