Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

For the Love of Writing

I’ve had a couple people ask me recently if I’m working on another book, and I realized I’ve been pretty quiet on the topic for a while now. So, I figured now was as good a time as any to give a little update. 

The short answer is yes, I am working on another book. I have been ever since I finished the last one. 

The long answer is that I’m taking a pretty different approach on my writing now, and going into it with a little bit of a different mindset. 

I think in the last blog I touched on my writing – or one of the last ones – I talked about how I was trying to query literary agents in hopes that one would pick up my writing. Like I’ve said before, if I could make writing my job, I would absolutely, 100% do that. I’ve since taken a break from querying agents. I queried between 60-70 of them and never got a bite, which at the time, felt like a big kick in the stomach. But now, I don’t feel like it matters that much. Yes, it would be awesome if it happened, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not as upset about it anymore. 

I’m not saying I’m totally giving up on my dream of writing for a living, but I’m finally realizing – and accepting – that these things don’t happen over night. It’s been less than two years since I published my first book, and I only have two of them out there with my name on them. These things take lots of time and practice, and if it’s meant to happen someday, it will. 

I’m not going to lie though, I am REALLY excited for book #3! I’m not very far into it, and will not be done anytime soon – just in case you’re wondering! – but I’ve learned so much from the first two books, that I feel like I can make this book the best one yet. I’ve spent a lot more time fleshing out the storyline than actually writing so far, but I’ve got words down on paper and I’m making some really good progress. There are definitely times where writing feels like work,  but I’ve had so much fun with this book already, it hardly feels like work at all. 

And I think part of it is because I’m taking the pressure off myself. Before, I was so dead set on wanting these books to be recognized and loved by all, that it was kind of sucking all the fun out of the process. Now, I’m focusing on writing stories because it’s what I love to do, not because I’m expecting anything to come of it. 

So yes, I am still writing, and I hope to continue to do so for a very long time. If something comes of it, great! If not, then I’ve had a ton of fun along the way, and I’ve accomplished something I’ve always wanted to do. I can’t complain about that. 

Thanks to all who have purchased or read one of my books and have asked about more. It really does mean the world to me! There will be more, I promise. All good things take time! 

Until next time! 🙂 

Megan Reiffenberger 

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