Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Think Positive, Feel Positive

There’s a lot of things I could gruff about from this week – both personally and in general – but instead I’m going to focus on something positive. Because life is too short to wallow in self pity for very long.

There were good things about this week too. First, after a super long work week in Raleigh, I got to take Monday off and have a three day weekend to relax a bit. Other than a ton of laundry, I was not productive at all on Monday and it was kind of wonderful. It was nice to kind of have a lazy day and refill my battery. And Dan took a longer lunch break to come hang out with me for a little bit too. It started the week on a high note.

One other thing that was great this week: the weather! I obviously wasn’t in South Dakota last week when it was 40 below zero, but the 40’s and 50’s this week was a pleasant change. It was nice to put the winter coat away for a few days and enjoy some sunshine. On Wednesday, I went for a run with just a long sleeve shirt on – and I got hot! It was so nice. On one morning run this week, I even saw a shooting star, so that was pretty cool too. 🙂

I also got lots of puppy snuggles this week after being gone all last week. And because the weather was so nice, we got to spend a lot more time outside too.

And almost all the snow is gone!

So even though there were some things that made me sad this week, I’m choosing to focus on these happy things instead. Dan told me a few days ago that I’m allowed to be sad for a little bit, but I can’t let it consume me. So, I won’t let it.

We’re all allowed to be sad about things. Life is obviously not all rainbows and unicorns. But if you choose to let it consume you, then you’ll spend a whole lot of unnecessary time being unhappy. You can either choose to use it as an excuse to be miserable, or you can look for the positives and grow from it. I’m choosing the latter.

Here’s to hoping next week is better – the weather is looking nice again, so that should help!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Nelson

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