Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Happy 5th “Gotcha Day!”

WARNING: I’m about to write another blog post about my dog. 😇

We’ve got a big milestone coming up for my big fur baby. October 8th is Dobby’s “gotcha day” marking five years since I’ve brought this big boy home. It’s also his unofficial birthday since we don’t really know when he was born. We also don’t know exactly how old he is, but we THINK he’s turning seven this year. He’s turning into an old man!

This big hunk of love has brought so many happy memories throughout the last five years and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him. He’s the best boy.

For those who don’t know Dobby very well, I thought I’d tell you a little bit about him. I’ve gathered up a bunch of photos I’ve taken of him over the last year that I feel depict his personality pretty well.

First, he is a HUGE mama’s boy. He loves to cuddle with me and follows me around wherever I go.

Just chillin with my man.
Caption says it all on this one 😂
This is the look he gives me anytime I need to leave. Breaks my heart every time.

He is VERY food driven. I joke that he got that after me. We both live to eat. I try to make it a little less obvious though. 🤪

He at least tried to camouflage himself in this one – see if you can spot him!
Every time I leave, he also knows he gets a treat so when I’m getting ready, he patiently waits by the treat closet.

He loves his toys. I’ll get him a new toy every couple of weeks and he’ll love them for a while. Until he gets bored or doesn’t feel like he’s getting enough attention and then they’re toast!

Loves his toys…
And then destroys them lol
I even got one that was almost as big as him lol.

He loves being outside. There’s so many times where I’ll let him out to go potty and when I go check on him he’s just chillin and enjoying himself.

He even loves the snow. Here he’s pouting cuz I told him it’s time to go inside.
He’s not much of a hunter, but this pigeon didn’t stand a chance – the evidence is still hanging off his mouth! Not pictured is how much he’s trembling because I wouldn’t let him go back after it 😂

He’s also secretly a yoga nut. Every time I get the mat out, he’s ready to show off his skills.

He’s cute though so I’ll let him join me anytime.

And of course he’s adorable – and he knows it!

Overall, he’s just the best, sweetest, most lovable boy around. I plan on spoiling the heck out of him this weekend as we celebrate another year of him being with us. Happy gotcha day big man!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Nelson

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