Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Double Birthday Celebration!

This weekend, we are celebrating two of my favorite little people in the entire world: Connor and Tessa! Connor turned three on July 17, and Tessa will turn one on August 23. Crazy how fast times flies!!

I thought it would be fun to share some memories over the last year and watch these two grow like crazy in such a short amount of time.

Taking it all the way back to when Tessa was only two days old. I was able to come spend the weekend with my sister, get some baby snuggles in and help around the house while they adjusted to life as a family of four.
That meant I also had lots of time to play with Connor too while Molly and Tanner tended to Tessa. 🙂
Tessa has been a pretty easy going baby from the start. She really only cries when she’s hungry – who can blame the girl!? She’s just like her aunty Megan in that way!
Connor’s personality shines more and more every day and most days I find it hard to keep up with him! How do such little bodies contain so much energy?
Dan doesn’t love having his picture taken, so this is the best I’ve got lol. But Tessa just adores him! He looks pretty good with a baby. 😉
It is truly an honor to both of us that we get to be this little girl’s Godparents. 🙂
Her personality has really started to shine too. Look at that little toothless grin!
Like seriously, she could be a little model baby. She’s too stinkin cute!
This little goober was one of the cutest ring bearers in our wedding too. The day after the wedding he told me, “Megan, your dress was really cute yesterday.” Such a gentleman!
And he’s the life of every party! This little boy LOVES to dance!
I have a feeling his sister will too when she learns to walk. Grandpa sure had a good time boogying with her!
I cannot wait to keep watching these two monkeys grow up and see what life has in store for them. I hope they continue to be the best of friends!

I love these two like they’re my own children and I can’t wait to celebrate with them this weekend! Happy birthday cuties!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Nelson

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