Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Two Years at NATE!

This week was my two year anniversary at NATE! This last year seemed to fly by, and I’m pretty excited to see what year three has in store. I thoroughly enjoy my job as the Manager of Wireless Industry Network (WIN). I really enjoy working with all the wonderful people, both on staff and our members throughout the country.

I’ve grown a lot in the last year at NATE, and I continue to grow more confident in my role. I was able to travel quite a bit this year, to both new places and old. I thought to celebrate two years, I’d look back at some of the highlights.

Kicking it off with the Fiber Connect Conference. Last August, Kari and I traveled down to Orlando, Florida to represent NATE at the show. We ran into a ton of familiar faces, and we learned a lot of new things about fiber. Other than NATE UNITE, it was the first time I’ve been sent to a tradeshow to network and be the face of the company. It was a great experience!

About a month later, one of our member companies, Precision Communications, invited us out to a site visit where they are constructing the new Keloland tower in Garden City. The structure is going to be one of the tallest in the country when it is finished! It was pretty neat to experience it first hand and see how they work.

In October, I traveled to Denver, Colorado to the Rocky Mountain Regional Conference. As the Manager of WIN, this is one of my big projects I work on. This was my first experience putting on a conference, and I had a great team to help me! This year, we’ll be headed to Kansas City for another awesome event!

Just want to use our staff Christmas photo as an example of all the fun times we have. This is a great group and we all work very well together!

Flash forward to February where I attended my second NATE UNITE show in Memphis, Tennessee. Not only was this a new location for me, but it was fun to tackle this huge event again and continue to learn new things. The WIN network is a fun group of individuals and they help make my job easier.

Oh and I can’t forget to take another opportunity to brag about my overall female win at the Women of NATE 5k! I’ve PR’d since this race, so watch out – I’m gonna be even faster next year. 😉

And our trip to Graceland while we were in Memphis is always a fun memory to revisit as well!

This May, I was able to join the Legislative and Regulatory Council on their spring trip to DC for meetings. I’ve been getting a lot more involved with the legislative side of things at NATE and I’m really enjoying it. I sound like a broken record at this point, but I really am learning so many new things and I love it!

And we even got to go out on the Speaker’s Balcony while we were visiting which is always cool!

Those are some of the big highlights over the last year. Not pictured is the hard work I put in day in and day out to do my job to the best of my ability.

I’m excited to have reached this milestone with NATE, and I’m even more excited to make many more.

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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