Working Hard
What. A. Week!
I feel like I’ve been saying that for the last several weeks now lol.
We’re neck deep in show planning for NATE UNITE 2025 and it’s been crazy busy at work. This time next week I’ll be on my way to Raleigh for the show, so the end is in sight!
I was talking to Dan about the show earlier this week and I told him how even though I can’t wait for it to be over and done with, I’m actually kind of looking forward to it this year too.
I remember how I felt leading up to the show the last two years, and how nervous I felt. I was almost dreading going.
This year I feel I have a lot more confidence going into the show. I’ve got a few under my belt now and it doesn’t feel as scary or intimidating.
It’s a good feeling! I really like my job and I feel like I’ve really grown in the time I’ve been with NATE. I’m looking forward to seeing this year’s show unfold and continue to learn how to do better.
I can’t wait to tell you how it goes, but for now I’m gonna keep it short and sweet. I plan on resting up this weekend to hit the ground running next week and get to the show.
Enjoy the snowy weekend!
Until next time! 🙂
Megan Nelson