Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

It’s Harvest Time!

It’s officially fall and even though the days are still pretty warm, the mornings and nights are cooling off and the sun is sleeping in a little longer every day. But this next week looks like it’s gonna cool off quite a bit and I’m pretty pumped! Fall is my favorite season and I say: bring it on.

I love wearing comfy sweaters and not sweating my butt off. I love the changing of the colors and the idea that the holidays aren’t too far away. It’s the best!

Fall time also means it’s harvest time and the farmers are hard at work getting the crops out of the field. It was a rough summer with all the flooding at the beginning, and then the rain just quit coming after that. But they’re making the most of it.

I say it every harvest that it’s hard this time of year because Dan is at his busiest. I haven’t seen him in a week, but thankfully I can call him while he’s combining and we can still talk all the time. I love hearing about how his days are going and that we can both vent about our days even though he’s far away.

I joked with him the other day that I wanted to see his face because I was starting to forget what he looked like and this is the pic he sent me. 😂

He makes me laugh!

People tell me all the time they almost look forward to their partner leaving for a day or two so they can have the house to themselves. Not sure if it’s just me or maybe we haven’t been together long enough yet, but I never look forward to Dan leaving for days at a time. He’s my best friend and I love having him around. And he may have a different opinion – I’ve been told I snore?? 🤪 – but I sleep better with him there too.

But even so, I know he loves being a farmer and keeping the farm going in the family. We’ve already talked about what it’s going to look like when we have kids someday and how we hope to get them involved as well. Dan’s nephews sometimes come hang out with him during harvest, and I know they all get excited to be in the combine and hang out together. I can’t wait to see that with our own kids someday too. 🙂

I know I don’t tell him nearly enough, but I’m very proud of him for working so hard, not only for himself, but for me too. It’s a long month or two until it’s all said and done, but it makes me happy that he not only enjoys it, but that it’s setting us up for a good future too.

And we’ll have a nice long winter season to unwind when harvest is over – but we don’t have to think about the “w” word just yet! 😉

If you see a farmer, make sure you tell them thank you! It’s a hard job and definitely not for the weak of heart. But it’s so, so important! Thank you, Dan, for all you do! Love you and see you soon! 😘

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Nelson

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