Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Grow Through What You Go Through

Those memories that pop up on Facebook from what happened on this day so many years ago, can be incredibly wonderful in so many ways. I love looking back on them and seeing what past Megan was up to. Sometimes, however, some of those memories fill me with a lot of other emotions.

All week, memories popped up on Facebook from this week five years ago of me preparing to leave Virginia to move back home to South Dakota. Selling my things on Facebook marketplace. Playing tourist one last time in Washington DC. My last run in Fairfax with my mom. It’s hard to believe that was already five years ago, but even so, when I saw those memories pop up, it brough back a lot of feelings like it was only yesterday. My exit from the “big city” wasn’t a pretty one, and I’ve gone into the details before, so I won’t go into them here. What I do want to focus on though, is even though some of those memories are painful, there were a lot of wonderful memories made out East as well. And regardless, good or bad, all those memories led me to where I am today. If I was given the chance to do it all over again differently, I don’t think I would.

Despite everything that ultimately went down, I don’t regret leaving South Dakota after high school to live in Virginia. I made some wonderful friends while I was there. Some that I’m still very close with to this day. They even traveled all the way here for our wedding this summer!

I got to travel a lot more than I know I would have had I stayed in South Dakota. I even got to travel to a different country to visit a friend I made at school. That wouldn’t have happened had I stayed at home.

It was pretty obvious a lot of people doubted me when I first left, since I was going someplace I’d never lived before and I didn’t know anyone. Little Megan was pretty naive – and still is sometimes – and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t doubt myself a little bit too. That’s one of the things I’m most proud of, though. That even though it was hard and scary, I learned how to take care of myself and figure it out on my own. It forced me to grow up and not rely on others to figure things out for me. And while it was a hard reality at first, it ultimately helped me become who I am today.

And yes, I made mistakes. I trusted people I shouldn’t have. I didn’t stick up for myself when I should have, and I put up with a lot of crap I shouldn’t have.

But if all of that hadn’t happened?

I don’t think I would have ended up back in South Dakota. Let alone back in Watertown. My move back here was originally supposed to be temporary to get back on my feet and heal. But for many reasons, I decided to stay.

If I hadn’t stayed, I wouldn’t have the life I have now. And I’m not going to lie, my life – most days – is pretty dang great.

I missed small town living. Living in a bigger city was fun, but I couldn’t go back. I like getting from one end of town to the other in less than 20 minutes, thank you.

And people are in general much nicer here. Much more relaxed. I have some great new friends. I have a job I really like. And I get to be a lot closer to my family. No more missing out on family get togethers and milestones.

And best of all, I have Dan. If I had known five years ago someone so wonderful was waiting for me here, I would have left Virginia a LONG time ago.

So, while there were some less than ideal situations thrown in there, I’m a strong believer in everything happens for a reason. Sometimes you have to go through it, to grow through it.

I’ll forever have mixed feelings when these memories pop back up in the future, but I do know if it had gone any differently, I wouldn’t be where I am today. And I’m pretty blessed with where I’m at now.

Hopefully, if you’re going through something like that right now, you can push through to the other side. It almost always gets better, and it’ll be so worth it when it does!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Nelson

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