Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Keep Getting Back Up

I want to share something funny that happened to me this week – maybe not so funny in the moment, but if you can’t laugh at yourself every once in a while, what’s the point in living, right!?

So, Thursday I went for a run early in the morning. So early it was still plenty dark out. I ran a few miles with friends and then decided I’d get another mile in extra as well. I was on my way back to my car, maybe 1/4 mile away, when the sidewalk jumped out at me, I tripped, tucked and rolled and wound up on my booty. It took me so much by surprise I just sat there for a second like, “what just happened!?”

But literally only a second because I could see cars coming and I didn’t want anyone to see me lying on the ground. 😂 So I jumped right up and continued running on my way. I was a little sore, but mostly just embarrassed. Once the moment passed though, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself for being such a clutz and I had no issue telling people about it so they could share in the laugh too.

As the day went on, I realized my tumble was a lot like life in general. Sometimes, life *literally* knocks you down. It comes as a surprise. It might embarrass you a little. And it might hurt.

But if you don’t get back up and keep going, then you’ve lost.

Every hard thing takes time to get over. No, it maybe wasn’t part of your plan. It came as a surprise. It’ll throw you for a loop, but you reorganize and you make a new plan.

I wasn’t planning on falling during that run. It definitely threw me for a loop. I was frustrated that it happened, but I picked myself up and kept running on the other side of the sidewalk, and I paid closer attention to my steps until I was finished. I made a new plan in the moment.

Yeah, failing or messing up is sometimes pretty embarrassing. Especially when you feel like you have it all together. But we’re human! Everyone messes up at some point.

It may have been dark out, but I have no doubt someone driving by saw me tumble. It’s possible someone in one of the houses even saw me tumble. But a few minutes later, I was laughing about it. Obviously, that may not always be the case in every situation, but time heals and makes the sting hurt less. It won’t always feel the way it feels in the moment.

And yes, failing can HURT. It can hurt your heart, your self esteem, or physically hurt in your bones. But all pain is temporary. Eventually that pain will subside and you can pave the way for your new plan.

I fell on my hip when I tripped, and my phone was in my pocket so that impact didn’t feel very nice. I have a pretty big bruise on my hip and it’s still kind of tender. It’ll hurt for a few days, and it may be a constant reminder of what happened, but it’s not going to prevent me from moving forward. Once the pain is gone it’ll be like it never happened.

Life is a series of ups and downs. You’re likely to have just as many bad times as good, and it’s going to be hard. But it’s so important to get back up and keep going.

You’re stronger than you think you are! Always keep getting back up.

Looking forward to a – hopefully – accident free weekend! Hope everyone enjoys the nice weather. 😊

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Nelson

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