Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Can’t Keep Calm – We’re Getting Married!

Today marks three weeks out from wedding day – the count down is officially on!! Dan and I have been busy this week meeting with vendors and the priest and getting all the details put together. It’s finally hitting me that we are so close to the day and I am SO ready to be married!

I don’t want to say too much to give anything away – I want there to be some element of surprise! – so I won’t go into too much detail, but I will say everything is coming together very nicely, and it should be a spectacular day.

There is one thing I want to touch on a little more in depth though. Remember a couple of weeks ago when I said I gave myself props for not turning into an anxious mess during the whole wedding planning process? Well, I’ve eaten my words and the anxiety may very well take me out before we get there.

I knew as we got closer to the day, I would start having anxiety dreams. I always get them before big life moments, so I knew this wouldn’t be any different. However, I was not prepared for a new nightmare every single night!! I’m not sure I got one full night’s sleep this week. One dream even consisted of Dan changing his mind and not wanting to marry me anymore. I may or may not have, but definitely did, wake him up and make sure he still wanted to marry me lol. He may have been questioning his decision in that moment as a crazy woman stared over him in the middle of the night in a panic, but don’t worry y’all – he still wants to marry me! 🙂

Thank goodness for exercise to work off some of this nervous energy, but if anyone has any other tips on how to stay calm and get a good night’s sleep I would love to hear them. I’m so happy to have something to be so excited about, but I need some beauty sleep too! So give me your best ideas!

Thank you in advance and I hope you all have a fabulous – hopefully dry – weekend!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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