Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Another Season Come and Gone

Well, Spring Turkey season is officially over and Dan and I had another tough go at it. We were hoping to have some better luck this go around, but the turkeys just didn’t want anything to do with us.

It was a tough season with lots of rainy days and having to work around the planting season too, but we were able to at least get out and try a few times.

And while we barely saw any turkeys – and of the turkeys we did see, only ONE responded back before it disappeared on us – I still had a great time hanging out with Dan.

We both really enjoy anything that involves being outside, so I’m not complaining about the evenings we spent out in a field somewhere looking for turkeys and enjoying the beautiful weather. At least this season we weren’t freezing our booties off like we did during deer season!

We had some nice chats while we were out there. We talked about work and the wedding. I learned a LOT about turkey habits lol. We enjoyed sitting in silence too and just taking it all in. One of the spots we went to was close enough to a cow pasture where we just listened to the cows for a while. If it weren’t for the bugs I would have stayed there all afternoon. It was nice!

So, even though we didn’t get a turkey, we made some great memories this turkey season, and we’ll try again next time. I can’t wait!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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