Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Merry Christmas 2023!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! I absolutely love this time of year, spending time with family and eating way too much good food. It’s a little weird that we are going to have a brown Christmas here in South Dakota this year – but I’m not complaining! It’s almost like a bonus Christmas present to us runners since we don’t have to worry about slipping and sliding all over the place. 😉

Speaking of running, my “little” brother got to join us for a run last weekend!

The Christmas celebrations have already been in full swing over at the Reiffenberger household. Both of my siblings and their significant others – plus the kids! – were in Watertown last weekend to celebrate. I never feel like I get to spend enough time with them, so it was a wonderful time that went way too fast.

My parents always come up with really fun games for us to play at Christmas time. This year, they actually made a plinko board out of an old table and soda bottles. We had to drop ping pong balls down the “board” to win prizes. It was super fun!

Here’s the plinko game! I have no idea why I’m pointing, but if you zoom in on Dan’s face, he’s smiling. My guess is he was trying to smack talk haha

For the last several years, it has been a Christmas tradition for us to make a prime rib as our big meal. Lately, my brother-in-law, Tanner, is the one who spends an entire afternoon making it, and the rest of us get to enjoy his hard work. 🙂 But he does a fantastic job. This year, I ate so much, I can’t remember the last time my belly felt that full. I was sure I was going to blow, but it was so worth it.

And of course, I got to spend a bunch of time with Connor and Tessa, getting lots of baby snuggles and chasing a two-year-old around all weekend.

She really is SUCH a good little sleeper.
And she’s getting so big!! One of these days, Dan will let me take a good picture of him playing with Tessa. She adores her Uncle Dan.
Connor, Grandpa, and I took advantage of the nice weather we had and spent some time outside as well!

Overall, it was a wonderful, mostly laid back weekend, and I loved every minute of it. I’m looking forward to having some more time off of work this weekend and next weekend to continue the celebration and unwind a little bit.

I’ll keep it shorter this week, but I wanted to make sure I wish all of you a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, and allow yourself to eat those delicious treats. You can work it off later. 😉

And of course, Dobby wishes you all a Merry Christmas too! I haven’t gotten my annual Christmas photo with Dan yet, but he wishes you all a wonderfuly holiday as well. 🙂

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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