Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Giving Thanks for 2023

It’s that time of year again where Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I like to take a moment to reflect on all the things I am thankful for this year.

As always, I can’t say enough how thankful I am for my family. No matter what life throws at me – good or bad – they are always there to cheer me up or cheer me on. Not to mention my family grew a bit bigger this year! Nick and Hannah got engaged over the summer, so this time next year I will have another sister. 😊 I’m so excited for the two of them, and if anyone is good enough for my baby brother, it’s Hannah.

My sister also gave birth to her second child this year, Tess Ann, and she is the cutest little pumpkin there ever was. ALSO! Molly and Tanner chose Dan and me to be the Godparents, and I am OVER THE MOON! I cannot wait to spoil the crap out of her. I’ve gotten to see her the last couple of weekends and I’m taking in all the baby snuggles I can.

Seriously, how cute are these two?!

And even though I’ve considered Dan to be my family for the last several years now, we’re making it official next year, and I can’t wait to start our lives together. It’s been so fun to talk about and plan for our future, and it’s possible we may be starting a family of our own before we know it. Don’t get TOO excited though, Dobby is going to be our only baby for at least another year. 😉  

So excited to marry this man in 8 short months!
And of course I am SO thankful for the best pup in the world. He’s the best fur baby!

Next, I am thankful for my friends here in Watertown, as well as my friends that are scattered across the country – even the world!

My running friends here in town keep me sane, and it’s great to have someone to share those long training miles with. It helps keep us all accountable, and it’s even more special when we have someone to share the excitement with when we achieve the goals we have fought so hard for. We solve a lot of the world’s problems on our daily runs. We vent, we cry, we laugh, and I can’t imagine not seeing these wonderful humans every day.

I miss my friends out East dearly, but I’m so thankful for technology that helps us keep in touch. We have our group chat to keep in touch with each other on the regular, and we get together once a month or so to video chat and catch up on everything. I even got to see Alec and Josh while I was in DC for work earlier this year, and for that I am super thankful!

Rob, in the back actually lives in the UK. Poor guy has to wake up at 1am whenever we have our group video chats – he’s a trooper!
Great to see these guys in DC!

I’m especially thankful for my bridesmaids: Molly, Jenn, Natasha, and Carissa. These ladies are always there when I need them, and I hope I do a good job at returning the favor. I talk to my sister, Molly, almost daily and I think I’d literally die without her. Jenn and Natasha are two of the sweetest women you’ll ever meet and I love getting together with them to walk the dogs, talk about life, and just enjoy each other’s company. Carissa now lives in Florida, so I don’t get to see her nearly as often, but whenever we are together, it’s like we were never apart. She’s literally my sister from another mister! I don’t know what I would do without them. 🙂

I’m thankful for my job at NATE. I got to travel a few times this year which was a lot of fun, and I’ve learned so much with each trip. I really enjoy all my co-workers and the work that I do, and I feel like I am a valued member of the team. Now that I have over a full year under my belt, I feel a lot more confident in what I do, and I’m pretty excited to see how that continues to grow in years to come!

I could keep going and going, there’s so much I’m thankful for. Overall, 2023 has been really good to me, and it’s already looking like 2024 is going to top it.

I hope everyone takes a few minutes this Thanksgiving to reflect on all you have to be thankful for this year. It’s easy to dwell on the things we wish we had or wish we could change, but it’s so important to appreciate the things we do have, and the things that are going on right now. Life is short, enjoy it will you can.

Happy Thanksgiving y’all!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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