Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Catching Spring Fever

Y’all it finally feels like Spring!! We went from a blizzard one week to 80 degrees the next, and while it was a little wild, I’m so happy to get outside and not freeze! 

It was especially nice to get out and run without a dozen layers on. The early morning runs it was still cool enough for long sleeves and tights, but Wednesday evening run club was the first time in months I wore shorts! It was a wonderful feeling. And now that the Brookings half marathon is less than a month away, I’m feeling more confident there won’t be snow on race day (knock on wood!). 

It’s been great to walk Dobby and not worry about slipping and sliding on the ice or climbing over snow piles. He’s going to be getting a lot more baths until things start drying up, but I don’t think he minds that much. And we’ll be driving around with the windows down a lot more frequently now which he LOVES! It’s just a good time for everyone. 

And now that the snow is melting and the temps are rising, farmers are going to be out prepping for planting season, and getting out in the field anytime now. Off season has come to an end, and I’m going to be seeing a lot less of Dan over the next few weeks, but here’s to hoping the fields dry up enough to get out and get it done quickly! If praying is your thing, say a few prayers for our farmers over the next several weeks. They’re working their tails off for all of us. 

Anyway, I think I’ll keep it short and sweet this week – I’ve gotta go spend some time outside! I hope y’all get out and catch some of that spring fever too! Winter may be coming to an end, but it’ll be back again all too soon. Get out and enjoy the sunshine and warmth while you can. 

Until next time! 🙂 

Megan Reiffenberger 

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