Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Make Time for Self-Care

So, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s over this never ending winter we’ve been experiencing. It’s enough to drive us all crazy! Especially when we experience rain, hail, thunder, lightning, AND snow all in the same day – Mother Nature is straight up losing her cool. And on top of that, another snow storm is predicted for next week, so we know we’re not out of the woods yet. Eventually it’s got to start feeling like Spring, right? Let’s hope so.

In the meantime, we have to do our best not to lose our own cool. Winter can be a hard season even when it doesn’t last forever. Are you taking time for yourself? Finding ways to unwind and deal with stressful times? If you said no, that’s a problem! No matter how busy you are, there is time in the day to make time for yourself. Even a few minutes here and there will do.

If you’re unsure how to take time for yourself and need a few ideas, here’s a few ways I take time for my own self-care.

It’s no secret by now that I find daily exercise extremely important. This is the biggest way I deal with my stress, and even on my busiest days, I make time to squeeze it in. Sometimes, my workouts are shorter, sometimes I have to get up earlier or rearrange my schedule, but I always make time for it. And no matter how many excuses you’re listing off in your head right now, you have time for it, too. Even 15-20 minutes of physical activity a day is better than nothing, and you can make time for 15 minutes, I promise! Even if that means just setting your alarm a few minutes earlier in the morning – you’ve got time.

Another way I like to take time for myself is reading. I don’t get to every night, but most nights I try to read a little bit before bed to unwind. Some days, I only get a few pages in before I can’t keep my eyes open anymore, but it’s still a few minutes I get to myself. And no matter what, a few pages or a few chapters, I get to escape to another world for a little bit, too. And a lot of those “worlds” don’t include any snow! 😉

Here’s a few book recommendations if you need one! 😉

Listening to music is a pretty common way to take some time for yourself. I like to play music while I’m showering and getting ready for the day. I’ve got a playlist of songs that make me happy, and I’m almost always in a better mood when I listen to them.

Finally, a great way for me personally to take some me time, is to write. Obviously, this isn’t something everyone enjoys or would make time for, but it’s a great way for me to escape. Whether it’s my blog, my next book, or writing my daily journal entry, I make a little time to write every day, and I love it. I have so many ideas buzzing through my head all the time, it’s great to get it out on paper. Whatever activity is your equivalent to my writing, whether it be video games, watching movies, sewing, crafting, whatever it may be! Find time to enjoy it.

It’s so important to take a little time for yourself everyday. I know some days are crazy and it can be hard, but no one needs to be on the go 24/7. Everyone deserves a little “me time.” Especially when this never ending winter continues to rage on! We need to find ways to keep our sanity.

I hope you all take some time to figure out how to take care of yourself. And as always, if you need a workout buddy, or maybe a book recommendation, feel free to reach out to me. 🙂

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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