Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Be Safe Out There!

Alright y’all, I know my blog last week was a bit of a rant, but I’ve got a little more to rant about this week so prepare yourselves! 

Can we as a human population just overall be better people?! Can we not create scenarios that cause other people to be afraid to do the things they love? Something simple like going for a freaking run in the morning!!?

We’ve all seen on the news, or personally know someone, who has been kidnapped and/or killed because their only crime was being outside alone to enjoy a run. I try not to run alone anymore, especially when it’s dark outside, because I’m afraid I’ll be the next one we hear about on the news. How is that fair? Why should I have to adjust my workout schedule or fear for my own life because of bad people? 

A few times a week I meet some friends to run in the morning before work. It’s really early, so obviously it’s still dark outside. Earlier this week, I ran my friends back to their homes and then ran back to my car – not even half a mile by myself. I get to my car and realize I’m only a tenth away from hitting five miles, so I decide to run the length of the parking lot until I hit five. 

Across the street, I see a truck sitting at a stop sign waiting. And he keeps waiting even though there are no other cars coming. Finally, when I’m about to turn towards the entrance of the parking lot to make the loop back to my car, that truck zooms across the street, comes into the parking lot I was running in, stops right in my path and I can hear them throw it in park like they’re ready to jump out. I instantly turned on the spot and bolted for my car. Once I was safely inside, then I saw the truck pull out and speed off down the road. 

Oh, my gosh I was scared! I was alone for maybe five minutes. How long had this guy been sitting there? Does he plan on coming back again? I don’t know, but now I know I need to be on even higher alert. 

Unfortunately, as much as I wish the human population would get their poop in a group and be better as a whole, that’s not our reality anymore. There are bad people all over the place, even in little towns like mine. 

If you’re like me, and you like going out for runs, or maybe you take your dog out for early or late walks, or really anything outside – especially in the dark – take precautions. Ladies, especially. 

Go out in groups. There really is power in numbers. I run at least four days a week and almost every time I’m with at least one other person. That alone makes me feel so much safer because we have each other’s backs. A bad guy isn’t gonna try to take a whole group down. 

Carry your cell phone and pepper spray on you at all times. I always have my phone on me just because I never know what kind of emergency could take place. Not only can I call for help, but God forbid I did get taken, they could hopefully track my phone and find me. Pepper spray is important too. It could stun them long enough for you to get away. I didn’t have my pepper spray on me this week, but you better believe I’m gonna make sure I don’t forget it moving forward. 

Always make sure someone knows where you’re going. Dan knows my running schedule, and if I randomly decide to pop in an extra run every now and again, I make sure I tell him when I’m going and an idea of the route I’m gonna take so he knows about how long I’ll be gone. If I’m gone much longer than what I say I’ll be gone, he’ll know something is up. 

Finally, just be aware of what’s going on around you. I know it’s easy to zone out and daydream while you’re out for a run or a walk, but be aware. I personally don’t wear headphones when I run. I know many people do and that’s okay. I don’t for many reasons, but one reason is so that I can hear if others are around. It helps me to be more aware and in return I can react quicker if I need to.  

Overall, just be safe. Take precautions and be prepared. And if you need a partner to keep you company outside, please hit me up. We can look out for each other! 

Until next time! 🙂 

Megan Reiffenberger 

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