Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Good People, Good Vibes

Y’all I’m not going to lie. I’ve been in a bit of a funk this week. Between the snow and the cold, the holidays being over, and “triggering” (for lack of a better word) memories flooding my brain, I just haven’t felt like myself. 

Does this sound like any of you right now? I know it’s winter, and it’s dark all the time – that whole seasonal depression thing is probably getting quite a few of you as well. Maybe you also have troubling memories that won’t seem to leave you alone. I’m with you. 

You know what I’ve found to be the best coping mechanism though? Surrounding yourself with the right people. I have a pretty good group of family and friends around me that help me take my mind off the bad stuff. 

Every week I run with some WARC ladies real early Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Tuesday this week was when I was in the worst funk. My alarm went off and I did not want to go run. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and ignore everyone and everything. So I did and my day was kinda crappy. I told myself that the next few days it didn’t matter how I was feeling, I was gonna make sure I got out and ran with my friends. 

I ran Wednesday run club and got up early Thursday to run and I felt my battery slowly recharging. Not only did the exercise help, but being surrounded by the people I love really helped bring me back to life. 

Dan and I also had dinner with my parents Thursday evening which always brings good times and lots of laughs. It was definitely what I needed. 

I think Dan could tell I was in a funk all week too and he went above and beyond helping me with dinner and clean up, and spending as many extra minutes with me as he could. I finally broke down and told him why I was in such a funk and he held me close and was the shoulder I needed in that moment. I felt the weight lift off my shoulders and I’ve been doing much better ever since. 

It pays to have the right people in your life and I know not everyone is as lucky. But if you don’t have the right people, I encourage you to seek them out. If your partner isn’t there for you, maybe they’re not the right one. Don’t have any close friends? Look for groups or activities like the Watertown Area Run Club where you can share a common interest with people. Friendships form from common interests. If your blood relatives aren’t there for you, I do feel for you, but family doesn’t have to mean blood. Create your own family. If you’re surrounded by bad vibes, how can you be the best version of you? 

Everyone has their demons and everyone is entitled to a bad day or a few. But finding a way to work through it and cope is essential. Life is too short to spend more time being miserable than being happy. And as always, if you need someone to be there for you, give me a shout. 🙂 

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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