Swimming Through Life

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How to Stick With Your Exercise Goals

As we near the end of December, we also approach the beginning of a new year. And with a new year, the desire to create a “New Year’s Resolution” comes in full swing. And what’s the most popular resolution people tend to make? They want to exercise more and/or lose weight, right? Right!!

I’ve always hated going to the gym in January because everyone and their dog is there. But if exercising more is truly something you want to do coming into the new year, I’d love to see the gyms busier year round if that means you stick with it.

So, this week I’d like to share some helpful tips so maybe that resolution can last longer than a month. 😉

First of all, you have to have the right mindset. My dad always says, “the only thing stopping you from doing something is that thing between your ears.” And he’s right! If you go into the new year with the mindset that you’re not going to have time to workout, or you’re too tired to workout, then how long is your new fitness plan gonna last? Not very.

I’m here to tell you that you DO have time. We all get the same 24 hours in a day. If it’s important to you, you’ll make the time. Even if that means getting up earlier or staying up later. I started getting up at 4:45 2-3 days a week because that’s when I can fit a workout in. And trust me, it was hard at first, and some days I would love nothing more than to go back to sleep instead. But I remember that feeling when my workout is done for the day and it drives me to get up and get it done. Even if you just get up 30 min earlier and squeeze a quick workout in, it’s better than doing nothing. A workout doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

Obviously, there are going to be days where your gas tank is literally on empty and you don’t have any juice left to get a workout in – that’s different. But feeling tired is a mind set too. If you’re like me, it doesn’t matter how much sleep you get, we’re tired all the time. But I don’t use that as an excuse not to workout. In fact, working out is a great way to get yourself feeling energized and ready to take on the day.

Working out also doesn’t mean you have to do something that you don’t enjoy. There are tons of different forms of exercise. Don’t like running? Don’t do it. Don’t like lifting weights? Then don’t do it. Find something you like! If you hate everything about a certain kind of workout then obviously you’re not going to want to stick with it. With so many options out there now, there’s bound to be something that you like – or at least hate less than everything else.

Finally, don’t go into it expecting it to be easy. It’s not going to be. But if you want to be stronger or lose weight, it’s going to take work to get there. There are some days it’s gonna hurt – but no pain, no gain right? You have to accept the fact that it’s not going to be easy and it’ll be uncomfortable, but it’ll be worth it. Once you reach that mindset, nothing will stop ya!

So since January is still 3 weeks away, you’ve got some time to train your brain and prepare yourself if losing weight and exercising more is something you want to do in the new year! Train your brain before you train your body. And if exercising with a friend is going to keep you accountable, you know where to find me!

I hope to see a lot more of you out there and moving next year!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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