Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Get to Work!

I’m going to rant a little bit this week, because I think it is something that needs to be said. I’ve talked about the importance of exercising and eating right on my blog before, and those that follow my dad’s blog know that’s a large topic for him as well. One thing we have both said plenty of times is that there is really no good excuse to not be getting out there and working out at least a few times a week.

Earlier this week, I overheard a co worker of mine say that she wasn’t going to go to the gym after work that day because she lost her phone and couldn’t possibly work out without it. That tops the list of worst excuses!!! There have been plenty of times where I have gotten to the gym and realized I forgot to bring my headphones, or for some reason I couldn’t get connected to the WiFi and couldn’t listen to music. Does that mean I decided to turn around and go home? Absolutely not! I still toughed it out and did it. Was it boring? You bet your booty it was boring. Even when I do have my music, working out isn’t always fun. Some workouts are truly brutal, and suck the entire time you do them, but it’s worth it in the end when you feel strong and healthy. You just need to suck it up and get it done.

When you start making little excuses like that, pretty soon there’s going to be something everyday that prevents you from getting in your exercise. Maybe it’s just the way I was raised, but I don’t understand why people don’t take their health more seriously. Even if you are tired, or had a really busy day, why is it so hard to get in even a short little work out? Even if it’s just going for a walk? It’s important, people!

It’s important to eat healthy, too. Along with the comment above, I have also heard a lot of people at work complain about their weight, and how they struggle to keep it under control, but then order pizza to be delivered every other day to the office. Like, maybe that’s why??? Living a healthy life is 80% diet! If you’re eating junk everyday, it doesn’t matter how much time you put in at the gym. You are not going to see the results you want.

Getting into shape and being a healthy weight is not a walk in the park. It’s not something you can do every once in a blue moon and expect to look and feel amazing. If only it was that easy – humans would be one healthy species. It takes a lot of self control and perseverance to get where you want to be, but it’s not impossible. You have time to do it, even if you don’t think you do. People make time for what’s important to them, and your health should rank pretty high.

So stop coming up with the silly little excuses and put the work in to get where you want to be. I know this is the time of year where people start dropping their New Year’s resolutions to have a healthier year, but why not be that person who sticks with it? You want to be around for a long time? Get to work!

Come to run club and run with us if you need some help getting motivated!!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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