Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Fighting the Winter Blues

It’s that time of year where us South Dakotans start to wonder why we still live in this state – and why some of us wanted to move back! Sub zero temperatures and snow storms are an annual norm around here, and while we expect it each year, it doesn’t make it any more enjoyable. It’s dreaming of warmer days that has us making it through year after year!

On top of the nasty weather, it’s also that time of year where people start dropping like flies due to illness. I was one of those lucky ones this week! I could tell something was off Monday night when I was at the gym. I was planning to do a sprint workout on the treadmill, but was having a hard time catching my breath even during my warm up, so I did a jog/walk workout instead. Even then, by the time I was done, my stomach was swirling. I was out for the count for the next two days. Couldn’t eat anything, and could barely get out of bed without feeling queasy.

Now being sick sucks for anyone, but for someone like me who hates sitting still and doing nothing for long periods of time, it is pure torture. I wanted to get up and do something sooo bad. I would have loved to even take Dobby for a walk so we could both get a bit of exercise, at least on Tuesday where it wasn’t as cold as Wednesday. But my body couldn’t handle it. It’s times like these where I gotta remind myself I’m only human and I need to rest too.

Dads gonna kill me when he sees Dobby was on his couch 😂

So, once I was able to stand up for more than a few minutes at a time, I took it slow by walking on the treadmill or going nice and easy on the bike for the next few days. It was easy enough for my body and I still felt like I was doing something productive. Even now that I’m starting to feel normal again, the snowy weather has me adjusting workouts even further. With the blizzard today, the wellness center is closed, so no swimming. I do have the workout equipment at my parents house I can use, but it is obviously a little limited compared to the gym. But it will just have to do! Cuz when it’s -25 degrees out, you can’t be working out outside! But that doesn’t mean you can’t get a good workout indoors. Even if you don’t have much for workout equipment at home, there are plenty of exercises you can do that doesn’t require equipment at all. You just have to get creative with it.

If you do workout outside, get the proper gear! And even at some point, it is too cold to try!!

I sound like my dad right now, but that’s totally okay! There could be worse things, right? Obviously if you are sick or hurt, allow your body to rest up, but then be ready to go back at it when you’re better. And don’t let a little snow scare you away from working off those Christmas treats or keeping up your New Years resolutions. Keep it moving and stay healthy! And wash your hands please. I wouldn’t wish the flu on anyone!

Until next time! 🙂

Megan Reiffenberger

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