Swimming Through Life

A personal blog and author site

Great Time at the Good Life Halfsy!

Well, the day finally came! This weekend we ventured down to Lincoln, NE for the Good Life Halfsy. I didn’t have as much time to train as I would have liked, but that didn’t stop me from shaving 35 minutes off my last half marathon time for a new PR of 2:07:03!

There were about 10 of us from WARC who went down for the race, and I was planning to try and stick with a few of them so I could pace off of them. Unfortunately, I got separated from them right off the bat and wasn’t able to catch up with them until later. The first 5k of the race I took pretty easy because my legs did not want to loosen up to save my life. But shortly after that, I felt unstoppable and picked up the pace significantly. I had a few more lows and highs during the race, but overall it felt pretty darn good. I’m just really glad it’s over!

This entire weekend was fun-filled spending time with my parents and some great new friends. I hitched a ride with Paula, Patricia, Jen, and Ben on the way down and had a great time joking and talking about other races they might be interested in. Also, thank you to Ben and Jen for all the Christmas gift ideas! 😉

We are on our way back to Watertown now and I’m completely exhausted, but way too sore to get comfortable enough to sleep in the car 🙁 I am glad to have the race behind me, and even though the entire race I kept thinking “why do people think this is fun??” I might actually want to do more in the future 🙂

Thanks to everyone who made this trip unforgettable. Never did I think I’d say running was fun, but the lovely folks of WARC make it fun!!

Here’s a selection of the many photos taken over the weekend!:

Leaving at 6:30 AM required a coffee stop!
Ben and his lovely ladies of WARC!
Lots and lots of laughs shared at our team meals!
Got our matching doctors coats and we are ready to go!
Trying to keep warm before the start
It’s done!!
Celebrating our PR’s 🙂
Great job everyone!!
Reiffenberger group hug 🙂

Until the next adventure!

Megan Reiffenberger

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